
Splits dedispersed time series data into smaller time sections, based on the requested time. The time duration will be rounded up so that there are a power-of-2 number of samples in the data file, so that it will work with the PRESTO birdie-removal scheme. The last file may have some data overlap with the last-but-one file, so that the last file is also of the same length as the others. The data file should be in the SIGPROC .tim or PRESTO .dat format.


yapp_split [options] data-file


Splits the data in data.dat with a requested time duration of 20 minutes. The output is written to the set of files with names of the form data.splitX.dat, where X is in [0, N-1], where N is the total number of time sections.

yapp_split -t 20 data.dat