
Searches for signal excursions beyond a specified threshold, in a series of time series data, dedispersed for a range of Dispersion Measures (DMs). The time series files can be input in any order of DM. The data files should be in the SIGPROC .tim format.


yapp_siftpulses [options] data-file-dm0 ... data-file-dmN-1

The data file name may be a composed of standard shell wildcards such as * or ?.


Sifts the time series in data.dm0.tim, data.dm1.tim, ..., data.dm100.tim for pulses above a 6-sigma threshold, assuming that there are no other files in the current directory that match the wildcard expansion of 'data.dm*.tim'.

yapp_siftpulses -t 6 data0.tim data1.tim data2.tim