
This program performs a plain old Fourier transform or a polyphase filter bank operation on baseband (raw voltage time series) data. In other words, this is a software spectrometer. The input is expected to be 8-bit, complex, dual-polarization data, interleaved in the following manner:

polXre0 | polXim0 | polYre0 | polYim0 | polXre1 | polXim1 | polYre1 | polYim1 | ...

The output is written in the headerless SIGPROC .fil format, along with a .fhd configuration file.

If doing PFB, this program requires a filter coefficients file to be present in the current directory. Filter coefficients files can be created using the yapp_genpfbcoeff.py Python script.


yapp_ft [options] data-file

The options are:

The flags -l (or --tsamp) and -f (or --centre-freq) are required arguments.


The following performs an 8-tap pre-filtering followed by a 1024-point Fourier transform on the data in rawdata.dat. The spectra thus produced are accumulated to a length of 10, and the output is written to a headerless SIGPROC filterbank file named rawdata.dat.fil, and metadata is written to a file named rawdata.dat.fhd. The site name (in this case, 'GBT') and the pulsar name ('J1921+2153') go into the metadata file.

yapp_ft -l 0.00000078125 -f 1420.405751 -b -n 1024 -a 10 -o GBT -r J1921+2153 rawdata.dat